How old can a person get this century?

Wouter Smoors
2 min readJul 18, 2021

The number of people living older than 100 years has been increasing for decades, reaching nearly half a million worldwide. But how long can a person live? American scientists believe the record will be broken this century.

However, while the number of people living beyond 100 years of age is on the rise, there are far fewer “super centenarians,” people living to be 110 years of age or older. The oldest living person, Jeanne Calment of France, was 122 when she died in 1997. Currently, the oldest person in the world is 118-year-old Kane Tanaka from Japan.

Such extreme ages are likely to continue to rise slowly towards the end of this century, according to new research from the University of Washington (UW). The researchers estimate that a lifespan of 125, or even 130 years, is possible.

How old does a person grow?

“People are fascinated by the extremes of humanity, whether it’s a trip to the moon, how fast one can run in the Olympics, or even how long one can live,” said lead author Michael Pearce of the University of Washington. . “With this work, we determine how likely we consider it that someone will reach various extreme ages this century.”

The new study, recently published in the journal Demographic Research, examines the extremes of human life using statistical models…

